Providing food for wild birds is an enjoyable thing to do for your garden visitors, and it’s suggested that once you begin you should continue feeding birds all year round. In fact, during winter it should be a priority. Dawn and dusk are the key times of day to ensure there is food available, especially during the colder months. Pet-Bliss provides a wide variety of wild bird foods to allow for the wide variety of garden visitors you may have including Johnston & Jeff robin and songbird mix, which is cleaned and dust-free. Among the wild bird products available are husk free superior seed, Premium redskin wild bird peanuts, and a range of seeds including hemp seed, black sunflower seed, striped sunflower seed, sunflower hearts and Niger birdseed. We have a good mixture of wild bird foods which offer a varied diet including wild bird fat balls, coconut halves filled with fat food, Supa dried mealworms, and Suet-to-Go coconut suet feeders with mealworms, berries or insects. Wild bird seed bells and fruit, peanut, wild berry and insect suet feasts also come in various sizes and multi-packs. And don’t forget our regular automatic delivery service. Never worry about your specific pet food being out of stock as we will keep backup stock to ship out to you as soon as your delivery date comes around.